Have a few scripts that I’ve been bringing into projects for awhile (and altering for each so ymmv on the state, but you’ll get the general idea). https://github.com/krypted/tinyconverters As the names and file extensions imply, these simply take ascii as an input and output as binary or hex, or take the binary or hex and output as ascii.
Hibernate to GraphQL Mapping Script
Worked on this little script to extract the mappings from a Hibernate XML file and create the quick and dirty graphql types.
The Importance of Retaining Time Series Data
We need to keep all of our data. And we need to keep it in multiple dimensions. These days, this refers to planning to stream data into a centralized repository, or warehouse. And the next step is to maintain that data in a fashion where it’s serialized by time. Time series refers to data points in a series of data that are indexed and ordered at specific times. For example, a snapshot of tables in a database exported every few hours. It can also be defined as data recorded in a sequence, measuring a similar specific setting over time, in order. Such as when you have data streaming a repository…
12+ Machine Learning Libraries For Java Projects
It seems like a lot of people are using micro services that are hosted by a third party vendor to process various bits of natural language processing and other tasks that typically get lumped into the “Machine Learning” bucket. But there are a lot of environments that need self-contained systems. Especially when it’s simple to build a small project to do a task using something like Python’s nltk, but when you start hammering those microservices you build with those tools you start to feel how their ease-of-use can make them a bit more sluggish than purpose-built tooling (I guess that’s true for everything in software development). So let’s look at…
Automate and Distribute Apple Shortcuts
Shortcuts (prior to being acquired by Apple it was called Workflow) is a free app for iOS that provides automated actions, similar to AppleScript or Automator workflows. Users can make Shortcuts or download Shortcuts other people have made. Shortcuts are javascript wrapped in a binary property list. You can easily create a Shortcut by opening the Shortcuts app and tapping on Create Shortcut. You’ll then see a list of apps that can be used with Shortcuts. for this example we’ll use Email Address. Tap here and you’ll be prompted to Allow Access to Email addresses from the Shortcut (you’ll be prompted twice actually). Then provide an email address. Select one…
Access Salesforce Oauth and Identity URLs Using a Node App
Set Up A Quick Maven Project
Maven can be as simple or as complicated as you’d like. The maven command line interface is mvn. You can quickly find the version using the –version option: mvn –version This is useful for a lot, but most notably to see where Maven is, which is in the home line. You can then create a project by using the archetype:generate option. Let’s say I wanted to create an artifactID of Precache with a standard environment (DarchetypeArtifactId) that doesn’t need to be interactive. That would look as follows using the mvn command: mvn archetype:generate –DgroupId=com.precache –DartifactId=precache –DarchetypeArtifactId=maven–archetype–quickstart –DinteractiveMode=false This creates a directory in Maven with a full hierarchy that matches what maven will…
Augmenting defaults domain settings within Apps
Some apps have defaults domains that don’t work the same as other apps and you need to use the -app option in defaults. This option is available for most apps, and sometimes I’ll use it to specifically crawl around for a specific setting I’m looking for. But for other apps, you need to interact with them there. So let’s look at Eclipse. Here, we can do a read with -app followed by the path: defaults read -app /Applications/eclipse/Eclipse.app/ The output would be as follows: { NSNavLastRootDirectory = “~/smb/smb”; NSNavPanelExpandedSizeForOpenMode = “{712, 426}”; NSScrollAnimationEnabled = 0; WebKitJavaEnabled = 0; } Now, let’s say you had a specific setting, like fixing an…
Quotes in InfoWorld Article About Careers
I love being asked questions about career trajectories. I alway preface my answers with the fact that it’s just my reaction to things and I’m weird and maybe not everyone agrees. I recently provided some answers about careers of developers, from the perspective of a hiring manager. Luckily there are others that answered more intelligently than I! So, feel free to read the article here.
Troubleshooting Apache, Proxies, and Tomcat in OS X Server 5
OS X Server 5 dropped last week. It’s the first time I’ve seen an OS X Server version drop before an OS release. I’m guessing there was an impetus to get it out the door before OS X 10.11 ships, so that caching and software update servers can facilitate quicker adoption and tools like Profile Manager will work on 0-day. But, there are some funny issues that are popping up. One of these is OS X Server usurping some ports that would otherwise potentially be used by other tools. Notably for Casper administrators, this includes port 8443. So here are some issues I’ve seen with Apache in the latest OS…