• Bushel

    5 Great Apps To Build Photo Books For The Holidays

    ‘Tis the season to be sending people photo books of your kids, family, coworkers and pets (dogs, monkeys, cats, fish and of course hedgehogs). And we want to help you. Our contribution is to provide a few options for sending these awesome little books that tell people you spent at least 5 minutes thinking about what you were going to get them! So without further ado: Find Out About 5 Great Apps To Build Photo Books For The Holidays Here…

  • Bushel

    10 Great Apps In The Box App Store

    Box (box.com or box.net according to how long you’ve been around) is a great tool for collaborating on documents, getting documents between devices (such as from your computer to your iPad), keeping your documents and other files in the cloud and these days, much, much more! As with many great solutions, Box has opened up an app store that can now be used to integrate into other solutions. Here, we’re going to look at 10 of our favorite of these apps! Learn About 10 Great Apps In The Box App Store Here…

  • Bushel,  iPhone,  Mass Deployment

    How To View What Payloads Do To Devices

    You can see exactly what Bushel, and other MDM platforms do to your OS X devices using the System Information utility. As with all Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions that interface with OS X, you can use the About this Mac menu item under the Apple menu at the top of the screen to bring up the System Information utility. When you open this tool, you will see a lot of information that can be derived about your devices. Scroll down the list and click on Profiles. Here, you will see all of the Device and User profiles that have been installed on your computer, the payloads within each profile and…

  • Bushel

    Apple Corporate Resellers Starting To Provide DEP Access

    One of the greatest features of Bushel is the ability to have an Apple device shipped to an employee in a far away place. That person then opens that beautifully designed box themselves. Bushel then automatically sets the device up with all of your apps, mail settings and security policies. In short, Apple’s Device Enrollment Program (DEP for short but also referred to as Streamlined Deployment) joins your devices to the Bushel servers automatically to facilitate this process. DEP-enabled devices can also use device supervision rather than have to plug into Apple Configurator, which gives you a whole slew of new options. Learn About Apple Resellers Providing DEP Access Here…

  • Bushel,  iPhone,  Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment

    Bushel Goes Into Invitation Mode!

    Yesterday the Bushel team finished some new code. This code allows you to refer your friends to Bushel! This skips the codes that everyone was waiting for and lets people create accounts immediately! From your home screen, click on Invite Friends. Or from the Account screen, scroll down to the section that says “Invite friends to join Bushel”. From here, you can post codes to Facebook, Tweet codes, post codes to LinkedIn and even email them. We’re not going into general availability just yet. But we’re definitely making it easier long-term to sign up and use Bushel! We hope you love it as much as we do! Since we’re still architecting how these…

  • Bushel,  iPhone,  Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment,  Minneapolis

    Bushel: The Device Enrollment Program (DEP) In Action

    Apple’s Device Enrollment Program (DEP for short) allows you to automatically setup devices with the settings you need on devices that your organization purchases. In Bushel, we give you the ability to link an Apple DEP account up with your Bushel account. This allows devices to add themselves automatically to your Bushel when the devices are activated. We tend to think this is the coolest thing since sliced bread and so we want to make sure you know how to use the feature. Setup Device Enrollment Program in Bushel To get started, log into your Bushel and click on Devices. Here, click the button for Device Enrollment Program. Download your…

  • Bushel

    Bushel Interview with Tech.mn

    Slowly but surely information about what I left 318 to do has been leaking out. And I wouldn’t say leaking. More like being broadcast to the world. I’ve worked on a few little things here and there at JAMF Software since my arrival. But my core duty is to shepherd the development and strategy behind a new Mobile Device Management tool called Bushel. A little more about Bushel is available here, and I’ll likely post more about it here when the time is right: http://tech.mn/news/2014/11/04/jamf-software-bushel-apple-device-management/ And to access the Bushel site: http://www.bushel.com And some of the writing that are now finding their way onto the Bushel blog: http://blog.bushel.com

  • Bushel

    Get More Done With Less Using Bushel

    You are the tech in an organization without a full time tech. Chances are you’re tasked with a lot of different stuff. Many environments don’t have a lot of cash to go out and buy really expensive tools. I’ve been told for years by people just like you they would love to manage devices the right way. This means implementing good security practices and centralized mobile management. If only it were more accessible. Both in terms of money and training. In an increasingly mobile world, this is becoming more and more possible. Mobile Management: Get More Done With Less

  • Bushel

    Bushel FAQ

    What is required to setup an account? To get an initial account setup that can do basic management of devices such as locking a device and enforcing a good passcode policy, you will need a functional email address and company name. We do much more than just these basic functions though. In order to deploy apps, you’ll need an Apple Volume Purchasing Program account and in order to automatically configure devices before they even show up on your coworkers desks you’ll need an Apple Device Enrollment Program account. These aren’t required for basic functionality but they do make the product all the more useful! What is DEP? The Apple Device…

  • Bushel

    10 Yosemite Widgets That Extend Notification Center In OS X

    The latest widget functionality built into OS X Yosemite places widgets into the OS X Notification Center. This means you can click on the Notification Center in the upper right hand corner of an OS X screen. From here, you can see a ton of cool stuff. These widgets are parts of fully functional apps easily installed right from the Mac App Store (and via VPP from Bushel if you so choose!). Learn About 10 Yosemite Widgets That Make Notification Center in OS X Even Cooler Here…