After months of working on Bushel, we’re super proud to announce that we’re leaving our pilot phase and are now generally available! With this full release comes a new logo, some new screens and we’re stoked to have everyone let us know what you think! Bushel is Now Generally Available!!!
Why Bushel Exists
Why did we make Bushel? The Bushel team consists mostly of people who were involved in small businesses before coming to JAMF (and those who grew JAMF from a small business). We believe in small businesses. And we believe in the innovative workgroups that exist similarly to small businesses within large enterprises. We believe in smaller, self-managing classrooms. We want to make your life better. We want to help you have the best possible experience with Apple products. Because we believe in Apple and we believe in you. Read More About Why We Made Bushel Here…
Debugging The Mac App Store For Bushel
We’ve tried to keep anyone from having to do much troubleshooting in Bushel. But things come up here and there and there are a few tools that can help out. For example: the Mac App Store has a debug menu. To enable the debug menu, enable the ShowDebugMenu key in To do so: defaults write ShowDebugMenu -boolean YES Read More About Debugging The Mac App Store Here…
Comparing Bushel To The Casper Suite
Apple technology continues to flood the workplace and Apple management solutions are more relevant today than ever before. And it isn’t just traditional, large organizations that are using Mac, iPhone and iPad at work anymore. That’s why we created Bushel. Bushel is Mobile Device Management, simplified for smaller environments. We set out to help these small and medium-sized businesses by building a simple, cloud-based mobile device management solution from the ground up. We’re not trying to be everything to everyone. Instead, we’re focused on being awesome for smaller types of environments! Read More About The Casper Suite and Bushel on the Bushel Blog
Bushel’s MDM Features
Bushel brings a key set of MDM features to organizations that couldn’t embrace the technology before. So many tools that are available today require an IT department and significant resources to support a deployment. We wanted to change that landscape with Bushel by building a simple interface around a critical baseline set of Apple management features without some of the technical complexity. Let’s take a look: Read More About Bushel’s Features On The Bushel Blog…
The Final Countdown
5 Things You Should Know About Apple Mobile Device Management
Apple Mobile Device Management (MDM for short) is a means of distributing data and settings to iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and OS X. Using MDM, you can push email, security settings, apps, app settings and even content through devices. Bushel uses Apple’s MDM to push these to Apple devices. There are some limitations and misconceptions, so here are 5 things you should know about how Apple Mobile Device Management really works: Discover The 5 Things You Should Know About Apple Mobile Device Management On The Bushel Blog
Enroll Devices Into Bushel
To manage a device from Bushel, it must first be added to your Bushel. The technical whiz-bang name for that process is Enrollment. We currently provide 3 ways to enroll devices into your Bushel. All three are available on the Enrollment page when you’re logged into Bushel. The first and best way to enroll devices into your Bushel is an Apple program called the Device Enrollment Program, or DEP for short. DEP is a way of tying devices to your Bushel so that they cannot be removed from the device, even if the device is wiped. Other than through DEP, all enrollment into your Bushel is optional on the devices…
5 Ways Bushel Makes Setting Up iPads Easier
Tools like Bushel are there to make your life easier. We make setting up iPads easier. We make setting up iPhones easer. And we make the tasks involved with managing them once they’re setup easier. Here are some quick and dirty things that a Mobile Device Management (MDM) tool can help you with that makes setting up iPads easier in the classroom or in the office: Discover The Ways Bushel Makes Setting Up iPads Easier Here…
Use The Profiles Command In OS X To Troubleshoot Bushel Profile Installation
You can export profiles from Apple Configurator or Profile Manager (or some of the 3rd party MDM tools). You can then install profiles by just opening them and installing. Once profiles are installed on a Mac, mdmclient, a binary located in /usr/libexec will process changes such as wiping a system that has been FileVaulted (note you need to FileVault if you want to wipe an OS X Lion client computer). /System/Library/LaunchDaemons and /System/Library/LaunchAgents has an mdmclient daemon and agent respectively that start it up automatically. Using The Profiles Command To Troubleshoot Profile Installation On OS X