What Applications Invoke Persistent Processes On A Mac?
I’m increasingly concerned about applications that act as no applications should need to in the modern era of Apple device management. As such, a simple (albeit computationally expensive) way of performing this type of operation is to simply grep a directory with applications that contain those strings for further inspection: grep -r -l "LaunchDaemons" /Applications grep -r -l "LaunchAgents" /Applications grep -r -l ".kext" /Applications grep -r -l ".pkg" /Applications You can also use find: find /Applications -type f -exec grep -l 'LaunchDaemons' {} \; The nice part of using find here is that you can -exec a lot of options without the same type of piping. You can also…
What’s In An App?
A Mac “application” is a bundle of files. These files include a signature to confirm that an application hasn’t been altered, executables, and a number of other files and folders. These are all stored in a directory called Contents. To see these, Control-Click on an application and click “Show Package Contents.” The Contents directory includes: _CodeSignature: All applications should be signed and contain a CodeResources file in this folder. If that doesn’t match the app will not open. _MASReceipt: Contains a certificate from the App Store. info.plist: Configuration information for the application, including MacOS: The Mach-O executable code file (Mach-O), which is a binary with an entry point and constantly…
The History Of Computing Podcast: Craiglist
MacAdmins Podcast: Kolide’s Second Chapter
The Evolution Of The Microchip
Jamf After Dark: Jamf Nation User Conference 2019
The History Of Agile Development
Episode 136 of MacAdmins Podcast, Bare Metal with Chris Chapman
The History of Computing: The Advent of the Cloud