Episode 138 of the MacAdmins Podcast: Cool Provisioning Tricks with Scott Reed
Programmatically Generate qrcodes on macOS
I recently needed to make device URLs easy for a service desk team to access. To do so I just piped the URLs into a little app called qrencode. First, I needed to install qrencode, which is pretty easy to do using brew: brew install qrencode Once installed, it’s trivial to pipe the quoted URL into the app with an output (or -o) into a png file. For example: echo "http://thehistoryofcomputing.libsyn.com" | qrencode -o ~/Desktop/History.png Once generated, you can use the camera on an iOS device to automatically open URLs by pointing them at the code and then tapping the notification that appears.
The History Of Computing Podcast: Smalltalk and Object-Oriented Programming
Jamf Extension Attribute To Find ***Directories*** Named .DS_Store
I’ve written about .DS_Store files before (e.g. https://krypted.com/mac-os-x/no-more-ds_store-files/ to remove the files on file shares ). The .DS_Store is a ***file*** that has some custom attributes of the folder it’s in, such as a background image for the folder (e.g. in disk images with installers that get expanded and then show you a little arrow to copy the folder to the hard drive /Applications is a common use), spotlight comments, and then the .DS_Store also contains icon positions. This all goes back to Finder apps interpreting objects in a foreign file system kind of world. Turns out that that a number of vendors have built exceptions for .DS_Store files because…
Lambda to Sign Configuration Profiles
Recently needed the ability to sign .mobileconfig files and didn’t want to rely on a private key being on a client device. This java project is meant to sign .mobileconfig files for distribution to iOS, tvOS, iPadOS and macOS devices. Built to be hosted in a Lambda so you don’t need to have keys in a client-side app (wouldn’t be too challenging to move to a Google Cloud Function). Download it at https://github.com/krypted/mobileconfigsigner Lambda Input parameters, if you call if from a web or swift app: bucketName – this is the name of the S3 bucket that will hold the pem files + file to sign signerFile (e.g. ca.key in…
Find all files with a single character name
Other than typesetting and indexing tools, most apps shouldn’t be creating files that have single character file names. To find all the files with single character file names on a Mac, you could use find and then awk for the length of the file name: find / -type f -print| awk -F/ ' length($NF) == 1 ' You could also use mdfind or another tool to list all files and pipe that to the same awk -F/ ‘ length($NF) == 1 ‘ statement.
The History of Java: The Programming Language, Not The Island
Find Running Binaries Masquerading as Files
Binaries should not be called salesreports.doc or timesheet.pdf. If a file with a document extension is executing then it’s most likely bad. Like rulllll bad. So on a Mac, you can check what’s running in that context by piping ps output to grep and using the \| as an OR statement to check for files that match a few known document types, as follows: ps aux | grep ‘.doc\|.pdf\|.png\|.docx\|.mpkg\|.pkg\|.xls\|.ods\|.xlsx\|.odt\|.key\|.htm\|.txt\|.csv\|.xml\|.json\|.pdf\|.ogg\|.rtf\|.dmp\|.aac\|.mp3\|.psg\|.mp4\|.m4a\|.gz\|.png\|.html\|.jpg\|.rss\|.jpeg\|.vb\|.wav\|.svg\|.bmp\|.pps\|.ppt\|.php\|.pptx\|.tiff\|.tif\|.gzip\|.wmv\|.zip\|.rar\|.bin\|.iso\|.sql\|.ico’
The History Of Computing: The MIT Tech Model Railroad Club