Recently I was looking at automating the tagging of content from a mysql database. NLTK (Natural Language Training Kit) to the rescue to make this pretty easy. This GitHub project wraps NLTK into a small script to tag and provides a class for excluding words: Once the tagger was written we could add cursor.execute() or cursor.fetchall() as a way to bring in input from mysql content or since it’s a one-time run, we can use a simple mysql query run from bash and dump the output into the script as follows: mysql -X -u $supersecretUSER -p$supersecretPASS -h$HostName -D$MyDB -e'SELECT notes FROM tablename > notes.json In the above just swap…
Using Inter-Reliability Rates in UX Research
We’ve all conducted excellent research only to have it thrown to the side when other people in our organization choose to just do whatever they were already planning to do. Executives, product managers, project managers, developers, and even UX Researchers (in other words all the humans) simply get dug into a position and unwilling to accept a point of view contrary to that position. One common objection we hear when presenting research are that a researcher introduced bias in the way a question was asked, or the tone of the researcher impacted the response, or even that researchers use different techniques. These same objections were once used to keep from…
Creating A Repository For Your UX Research and Research Ops Findings
User research is a field that studies user behaviors, needs, and motivations through observation, analyzing tasks, and getting feedback. The goal is to improve usability using experimental and observational research to guide how a product is built and the design that is used in the product and the development priorities. This might be through observation, running experiments, interviews, etc. The research work should be infused into all aspects of the product lifecycle. This allows for rapid prototyping, which then allows organizations to focus on building things customers want and doing so in the way customers need them done to be pertinent. When done right, this reduces the timeline to go to…
MacAdmins Podcast: Big Data Analytics For Apple Devices, And All The Pretty Pictures
The History Of Computing: TidBITS and The Technology of Publishing
Worked on a little sentiment analysis tool. The goal was to have a natural language processor that would report back a basic polarity score on text provided. So lightweightsentiment is a Lightweight Sentiment Analysis Tool built using the nltk (natural language toolkit) python framework. Requirements lightweightsentiment was written to conform to python 2 or 3 and requires the following modules installed (newer versions may work): nltk==3.4.5 textblob==0.15.3 To install nltk run: python -m textblob.download_corpora Usage Simply run the script with a –text option and then some text to see sentiment. For example: python --text "Gosh, I hate this feature" The output would then be a number between -1.0…
The History Of Minecraft
Stewart Brand: Hippy Godfather of the Interwebs
Debugging Bash Scripts with bashdb
For years I’ve been adding a line in bash scripts to echo out a variable here and there. It’s funny how you just accept a workflow like that as “the way.” But when using an IDE for objected oriented languages I’ve always just expected breakpoints and the ability to watch variables when running code from within the IDE. But it never even occurred to me to do that with bash scripts. Then IsaacH at the office told me about an IDE that does that. Looking inside the IDE, it’s piping commands to bashdb. Soooo, bashdb is kinda’ like gdb. You can set breakpoints and print the content of variables when…
The History Of The Microphone