The History Of Computing Podcast: Polish Innovations In Computing
The History Of Computing: Iran and Stuxnet
The MacAdmins Podcast: Mac Security In 2020 with Bart Busschots
The History Of Windows 3.x
Summarize UX Research In A Paragraph
I recently had a fairly large amount of work to do, summarizing UX Research findings into “a paragraph” and that project really got me thinking about trying to be more prescriptive about what a paragraph actually is. Consistency is important when making it easier for the consumers of our research to review our findings. Summarizing content allows people to drill down into just the information they’re looking for by providing a quick overview to an interview or study. Consistency doesn’t mean we can’t writing those summaries in an engaging and easy-to-read paragraph, just that consumers of the content get an experience that doesn’t take away from the actual content. Before…
The History Of Microsoft Windows 1.0
The Importance of Retaining Time Series Data
We need to keep all of our data. And we need to keep it in multiple dimensions. These days, this refers to planning to stream data into a centralized repository, or warehouse. And the next step is to maintain that data in a fashion where it’s serialized by time. Time series refers to data points in a series of data that are indexed and ordered at specific times. For example, a snapshot of tables in a database exported every few hours. It can also be defined as data recorded in a sequence, measuring a similar specific setting over time, in order. Such as when you have data streaming a repository…
The History Of Computing: The Monk And The Riddle
The History Of The App Store