I wrote an article for bootstrappers.mn on getting an office space, the pain, the joy, and all that. It starts off like: Let’s make this quick! Probably not. If we haven’t had an office but we see that as a part of the next phase of development of the organization, let’s just stop and think about it before we proceed. And let’s think a second time as well. Because it’s probably a larger step than most of us think we’re about to take. This conversation goes a little like many conversations we may have had with our parents about a number of things. Are you ready? Are you mature enough?…
The History Of Computing: 500 Years Of Electricity
The History of Computing: Y Combinator
Bootstrapping Public Relations
I wrote an article on getting started with public relations for small and bootstrapped companies. It’s available on the Bootstrappers.mn blog at: https://www.bootstrappers.mn/post/bootstrapping-public-relations It starts off like: Public Relations (PR) is an industry where we gain exposure to audiences using news outlets and third-party publishers. These are news publications, magazines, books, blogs, and social media. We can buy advertising in any of them, but PR is making the news and not actually paying for placement in the news. The goal is to gain free coverage by talking about items that are of interest to the public. And the best strategy is to constantly provide value. Value to writers, value to…
Balancing A Job And A Startup
I wrote an article on balancing having a day job and a startup on the Boostrappers.mn blog. It starts off like… There are a lot of ways to bootstrap a company. In the early days of building a product, this often means that we’re working a day job to fund a startup we’re passionate in. We’re hedging our bets with the day job so we don’t burn through our savings while we’re validating or finishing a product. But we’re serving two masters now. Or more, once friends, family, and other responsibilities are taken into account. We do need to be careful though. If we choose to keep our day job…
Jamf After Dark: Evangelizing the Jamfs
The History of Computing: The Palm Pilot
The History Of The Computer Modem
The History Of Computing: Cray Supercomputers
The History Of Computing: Radio Shack