Disable Automatic Software Update Downloads
I was on the phone with someone yesterday that has a number of distributed Macs in offices with low bandwidth. So they need to control when updates are downloaded and installed because they can fail or cause issues with other systems when they download automatically. This option is great for home use but can be challenging in larger environments. So it can be disabled with the following command, which creates an AutomaticDownload key in the com.apple.SoftwareUpdate defaults domain and sets it to FALSE: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate AutomaticDownload -boolean FALSE Once machines return to areas with better bandwidth or this isn’t a need it can then be re-enabled by using…
The History Of Computing: The Atanasoff-Berry Computer
Bootstrappers Blog: Content Creation for Early Stage Startups
There’s no doubt that content is a great way to attract potential customers to our sites. There’s also no doubt that the right kind of content can drive the right kind of customers. But really, most any content is good content. It can be challenging for early stage startups to take the time to focus on generating content. There are so many things pulling at us. Many a founder will already be well versed in talking to the audience that our products are targeted at. So we’re going to be able to communicate with our customers at their level and with depth, sincerity, and in a way that resonates. With…
Jamf After Dark: Scaling Jamf In Schools
Episode 165 of the MacAdmins Podcast: Catalina Adoption with Eric Holtam
The History Of Computing: Wearables
Episode 164 of the MacAdmins Podcast: Dogcow or GTFO with Allister Banks
The History Of Computing: Netflix
The History Of Computing: Microsoft Office