MacAdmins Podcast Episode 169: Going Virtual
The History of Computing: Content is King
Bootstrappers Blog: I vs We
No matter what kind of organization, inspiration leads to higher retention and just a better place to work. There are plenty of ways we can inspire teams and there are entire books on doing so. The traditional approaches involve identifying motivators, giving accolades, providing training, communicating more, doing what you say we’re going to do, identifying a focus on the purpose, defining the mission, and dozens of other techniques. Inspiring our teams keep people engaged, inspired, active, and create a great sense of community that is infectious to our customers. There are also demotivators. These negatively impact the team and can be off-putting. There are obvious behaviors that just don’t…
The History of Computing: ALGOL
Fade it in and…
Charles Edge · Fade it in annnnnnd…
The History Of the Homebrew Computer Club
Sell Your Boss On A Research Repository
Did an article at https://blog.handrailux.com/sell-your-boss-on-a-research-repository/ on selling your boss on a Research Repository. It starts off like: A research repository is a single place to keep all your user research. At Handrail, we not only store research. We also give people valuable tools for planning research, collecting data, performing analysis, and surfacing insights. While most people doing research clearly see the value in a repository, selling upstream can be a challenge. There are always competing priorities within organizations for budgets and other resources. It can be hard to compete with those that have more visibility to leadership and influence over budgets. But it can definitely be done! -Charles Edge If…
Bootstrappers Blog: Let’s Not Forget To Take Care Of Ourselves
As we start to re-open offices and get back to normal (or find a new normal), there’s going to be a lot of new pressure applied here and there. Everyone in an early stage startup is already constantly busy. We bounce between so many different roles. We have what seems like thousands of things going on in life and work. We have to get sales and marketing running. We have to get that new feature committed. We have to raise money to keep the lights on. We have to get a better process to merge code. We have to… Ugh. It just never ends. On top of that maybe we…
The History Of Computing: Konrad Zuse