MacAdmins Podcast Episode 172: You have 60 seconds to comply!
The History of Computing: The Great Firewall of China
Bootstrappers Blog: Methodologies To Calculate the Value of a Company
A friend of mine was once asked how much his house was worth at dinner. He said “I guess whatever someone will pay for it.” I was pretty young at the time and don’t think I fully appreciated the wisdom of the comment. These days, I get a report from Zillow once a week that shows me how much they think my house is worth. And they’re pretty close to what I see houses in the neighborhood good for. But ultimately, the house is worth what someone would be willing to pay to buy it. If sold, I would walk away with the sale price of the asset (the house)…
The History of Computing: The Great Web Blackout of 1996
Bootstrappers Blog: What Type Of Business To Incorporate
There are 5 main types of organizations that are founded. Each comes with positives and negatives and there’s really no perfect formula when we’re first starting out, but there are some triggers that force us to switch to various types of businesses. The ones we’ll cover in this article include the following: Sole Proprietorship LLC S Corporation C Corporation Nonprofit The Sole Proprietorship A Sole Proprietorship is an organization that is… To read the rest of the article, check it out at: https://www.bootstrappers.mn/post/tips-on-what-kind-of-business-to-start
The History of Computing: AOL
MacAdmins Podcast Episode 171: Weldon Dodd
Bootstrappers Blog: Dealing With The Distractions In A Startup
Distractions can destroy our productivity. But leading a startup means there’s a constant barrage of things that need to be handled. There are a lot of distractions: a call with a lawyer, a potential investor returning our call, responding to the latest Twitter post about our product, coding expenses so our team gets paid in a timely fashion, merging that last commit from the new developer we just hired who refuses to comment anything, figuring out how to run a refund in Stripe, and the list goes on and on. When are we supposed to be productive when we’re in that place that we’re too small to hire people to…
Jamf After Dark: Jamf Heroes