Lightweight Audio Transcription Script
Quick and dirty audio file transcription script that should be easy to use as a droplet or for desktop transcribing automations at https://github.com/krypted/lightweighttranscription. To use it: Install awsCLI and boto3: pip install boto3 –user (or pip3 install boto3 –user) Mac client available at: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv2-mac.html Run the $ aws configure setup Set access key, secret key, region and output format Instead of passing the credentials in the script, it is recommanded to install awscli and setup credential profile. If running as a microservice, simply hit the endpoint in the script instead. If running on a computer, keep the Input file and script in the same dir to avoid search path failures. Run script `python3 …
Jamf After Dark: Jamf In Healthcare
LinkedIn Python/Selenium Automations
The below attached repository (https://github.com/krypted/LinkedInCompanies) provides two ways to pull company information via LinkedIn. First using the LinkedIn API and the second using the selenium web driver. You will therefore need Selenium installed. Use the arg.py script as follows: $ python arg.py -username [xxxx@xxx.com] -password [xxxxxxxx] -company [company Name] This will pull a members count for the [Company Name] provided. And the URL to show them. Put the companies name in the text file [CompaniesNames.txt] and modify the username and password inside the code to run the parse company members python file. This provides members counts and links to show them. We can parse 1000 companies for each run.
MacAdmins Episode 175: Life After An App Catalog
The History of Pixar
The History of Sketchpad
MacAdmins 174: It Slices, It Dices, It Makes Thousands of Julienned Fries
One Year of History Podcasts
The History Of Python