I see a number of digital marketing plans that identify YouTube as part of the plan. But when we start discussing how YouTube fits into the plan, getting started seems to be the hardest part. This might be because there’s a gap in understanding what to expect from running campaigns on YouTube, or it might be due to trying to weaponize a digital medium we don’t fully understand. Set Expectations Let’s start with what to expect. YouTube is a cute place to post videos. The title, description, and metadata for those videos is then picked up by the search engines. Do not expect to post videos that have millions of…
MacAdmins Podcast 192: War Stories
Search Within Folders By Default On Mac
Annoyance on Mac is that searches are across all readable directories no matter where I start a search. But if I have a finder window, I want my searches recursive from that point down in the hierarchy. This fixes that. defaults write com.apple.finder FXDefaultSearchScope -string "SCcf"
The First Analog Computer: The Antikythera Device
MacAdmins 191: Being Happle at EveryWorld 2020
The Evolution and Spread of Science and Philosophy from the Classical Age to the Age of Science
MacAdmins 190: Mondata and Jamf
The Evolution and Spread of Science and Philosophy from the Bronze Age to The Classical Age
MacAdmins 189: VMworld
From Antiquity to Bitcoin: A Brief History of Currency, Banking, and Finance