Disable Smart Dashes in macOS
When I’m writing scripts in an IDE, the smart dashes on the Mac can end up killing me. This is where the — turn into β. To disable this feature: defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled -bool false To turn smart dashes back on: defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled -bool true
The History Of Computing: The Spread of Science And Culture From The Stone Age to the Bronze Age
Printing With Expanded Dialogs By Default on the Mac
I’m always configuring something on my printers every time I print. So now I just have it expand the printer dialog rather than give me the simple screen you see here: To configure, just un the following: defaults write NSGlobalDomain PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool truedefaults write NSGlobalDomain PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint2 -bool true Then it looks like this. π
Home Automation Compatibility Grid
I’ve been installing various forms of home automation in my houses and offices for about 15 years. In that time, we’ve gone from Z-wave or Zigbee to Wi-Fi and gone from first having to build a computer in the home to manage the automations to apps to appliances to web services and now a hodgepodge of all of it. I’ve got automations I’ve written in python, borrowed from lovely GitHub repos, and probably 20 times what is running that I’ve deleted over the years. The hardest part seems to find compatibility and know the approximate setup time to expect. Setting expectations is important. Especially if installing an HVAC control means…
The History of Computing: The Printing Press
MacAdmins Podcast 193: Real World Telemetry
Jamf After Dark: Education Strategy with Dave Saltmarsh
The Scientific Revolution: Copernicus to Newton
Bootstrappers: Source Code Escrow
Source code is a collection of computer commands and comments written in a programming language, like Java, C or Swift. When compiled, the raw source code is then no longer human readable but runs very efficiently. Because compiled code isnβt easily disassembled, people cannot create their own versions of the software. To read more on source code escrow see: https://www.bootstrappers.mn/post/source-code-escrow