Install node and npm on Ubuntu 18.04
Just a quick and dirty process for getting npm and nodejs running in an Ubuntu 18.04 environment on an AWS EC2 instance: curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash - ; npm --version ; sudo apt install nodejs ; node --version
MacAdmins 209: The Secret Life of Chuck Goolsbee
Before the iPhone Was Apple’s Digital Hub Strategy
Simple Persona Template
I usually work on user personas in Sketch but I’ve recently started keeping way more graphical templates in Keynote and Power Point. So this morning whipped up a simple template for making personas in Keynote. Here’s both the .keynote and a .pptx.
MacAdmins 208: The Best Workplace in Boston!
Where Strategy and Product Management Meet
MacAdmins 207: Security Research and the Apple Ecosystem
Tesla: From Startup To… Startup…
A Journey from the Apple II to Customer Success