Articles and Books

New Book, The Startup Players Handbook, Now Available For Download

The physical editions aren’t shipping just yet, but the book I wrote last year with Chip Pearson and Amy Larson Pearson is now available for download through Kindle and the Apple Books app!

Writing about business can be incredibly challenging. Especially in a time when it’s evolving more rapidly than at any point in history. Having said that, there are many constants that never change (or at least haven’t). There are also more types of businesses now than ever, and more being started. The approach we took was to lay out the tenants of building a sound business without taking on funding, places where funding might accelerate growth, and what that growth costs. We tried to do so under the auspice of each discipline formed and how those disciplines might evolve. While working on it, we realized just how similar a discipline is in a company to character classes in a role playing game, like Dungeons and Dragons game – thus the book became a Players Handbook.

There are few best practices in business, but there are a lot of worst practices. We hope this book helps some to evolve the pitfalls we’ve encountered! Feel free to download it wherever you prefer to consume books: