
Bootstrappers: Difference Between Management And Leadership

We often see leadership and management used interchangeably but it’s important to keep in mind that they are not the same thing. In fact, while some traits overlap in what it takes to be a great leader and a great manager, they are often quite different. The biggest difference is probably that between the two, leaders have others follow them and managers have people simply work for them.

As companies grow, there are paths for leaders and managers. But for small businesses and startups, owners who want to be successful need to be both a strong manager and a solid leader in order to get their team on board while working towards their vision of success. Remember leadership is all about getting people to comprehend and believe in a particular vision set by the company or the organization to work on achieving goals. Management on the other hand is more about administrating and making sure that all day to day activities are happening in a proper way. Both are critical to the success of any organization.

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