
Bootstrappers: The Customer Journey

The customer journey is the general process followed by a person when becoming a customer. Here we’ll group customers into four primary stages and then dig deeper into managing customers in HubSpot using lead scoring. In the beginning, the lead score and staging will be used to help focus on the leads that are the furthest along. As teams grow, those help define who’s working on a lead, where leads are getting stuck (so we can develop ways to get them unstuck), and ways to automate communicating with leads so sellers can swap out those manual tasks with tasks that require a human.

The general stages of a customer journey include the following:

  • Awareness: People are looking for answers, insights, resources, education
  • Consideration: People are looking for justification, determining if we’re a good fit
  • Decision: People are making a final purchase decision
  • Nurturing: People are now customers and should be retained

To read more about customer journeys: