Most phishing sites follow a known pattern. And people like to flag bad sites. So Google and a few other organizations, such as have a collection of feeds that can be leveraged by software vendors to provide a warning or flat-out block potentially fraudulent sites.
If a piece of malware is found, even if buried deep in a site, the site will likely get picked up by a robot or reported by a user. Robots can pick up a lot, as people who exploit WordPress sites and stuff like that are often after playing a numbers game. Harvesting hundreds of thousands or email address and sending phishing emails. It only takes one person to give you banking information Given that they’re just dropping a file in an open web directory, the attacker might otherwise go months before enough people complained and the web host shut them down.
Google Safe Browsing came about similar to how realtime blacklisting has worked with email for a long time. Sites are listed and then blocked as needed. But privacy works differently with web browsing and so Google added a bunch of cool stuff that is described at Basically though, there are some encrypted files on nearly every computer running Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc that contains information about bad sites. This is updated fairly regularly, as well as some signatures of known nastiness and a little machine learning magic so that the systems are able to react to emerging threats.
In case you’re interested in writing your own tools, Google Safe Browsing has an API, which is documented at API Documentation.
So what is sent to Google? Only information from unsigned executables (or when the signature isn’t accepted) is sent to the Google SafeBrowsing service. The implementation and also how to turn that remote app reputation check are explained in
If you find that you’re managing a site that gets attacked, maybe you learn about it initially from having the site blocked. If this happens, you would need to remove the stuff that was put on your site that resulted in the site being blocked and then request removal from the list of reported phishing sites, use this form provided by Google.
Also request removal from
Safari uses Google Safe Browsing. There is a “Fraudulent sites” setting in the Security Preference pane for Safari. Here, you check a box and then you get prompted when you attempt to open a bad site.
Safari SafeBrowsing involves having Safari pull a new version of the bad stuff from Google every now and then. You can see the date and timestamp that this occurred using the defaults command to read, as follows:
defaults read
The output contains the SafeBrowsingRemoteConfigurationLastUpdateDate key for /Users/
defaults read
SafeBrowsingRemoteConfigurationLastUpdateDate = "2018-09-19 22:43:30 +0000";
Or to wrap this into a command that just displays the last date updated:
defaults read /Users/charles.edge\ 1/Library/Preferences/ SafeBrowsingRemoteConfigurationLastUpdateDate | awk ‘{print$1}’
The actual bad stuff file is tricky. A number of temporary dynamic files are stored in /var/folders, and then inside a hierarchy generated by guids for a given system. Here, you’ll find a couple of files, including /var/folders/r1/05ns3cqs0cg5c42x38gk0c0w0000gn/C/ and
These files are binaries and cannot be viewed. They appear to be downloaded via the service routinely. Looking at their date and time stamp though, will give you a good idea of when the last update was run if you care to find that out.
Enable SafeBrowsing via the WarnAboutFraudulentWebsites key in ~/Library/Preferences/ as can be seen below:
defaults write /Users/charles.edge/Library/Preferences/ WarnAboutFraudulentWebsites 1