• sites,  Social Networking

    The Top Social Networks

    It seems like I get an invitation to join a different social network every day.  Makes me wonder how much traffic these sites get and what the point really is.  Well, let’s break it down real quick.  Statistics first, the ranking by market share for social networks is as follows: MySpace -39.37% Facebook – 17.54% YouTube – 10.39% Tagged – 1.55% Yahoo Answers – 1.36% MyYearBook – 1.09% Yahoo Groups – .96% Meebo – .64% Yahoo Member Directory – .53% Bebo – .49% You might notice a few that you would expect to see in the above list, such as LinkedIn, Classmates.com or others.  That would be because forums are…

  • Business,  Consulting

    Cisco + Postpath = Unified Communications – Clear Strategy

    I’m just guessing that there are smarter people than me at Cisco working on this type of stuff.  Cisco has purchased Postpath. If integrated with WebEx it gives them an interesting new perspective on collaboration, but I’m still not sure that the industry is ready to get away from Outlook, Entourage, etc and to get into using something fully in the cloud. I think for a company full of younglings it might make a lot of sense, given they’re already going to be used to this kind of thing, but then I’m also guessing they’re likely looking toward something like Google Apps. Having said this, the good people of Cisco…

  • sites,  WordPress

    On the Road: WordPress and Vacation

    While this article is updating I’m on a beach somewhere in Mexico. One of the things I love about WordPress is that I can indicate a date to publish an article or just publish it “immediately.” If I indicate the date the article goes live then I don’t necessarily have to hop to the computer to post it. I can just indicate when it will appear and then viola – it’s up, without any intervention from me. So if you’re wondering whether I really am on vacation or not, know this – I am not shoveling snow this week… 😉

  • Xsan

    Xsanity Post on fibreconfig

    I posted another article at Xsanity last week, but forgot to mention it here.  You can find the article here. Basically it’s a walkthrough of using the fibreconfig command and how it relates to Xsan. Hope you enjoy!

  • Windows XP

    Windows Steady State

    The typical school lab: We want to update an image once a quarter or once a year, deploy it and have nothing change between quarters. In Microsoft Windows, there are about as many ways to go about this as there are IT guys. Some will use Altiris or something like that to reimage the machines every night. Others will use policies to lock everyone out of everything and trust that. But what if you don’t have a dedicated IT staff and honestly don’t really have the time to deal with it in a smaller lab environment. Well, introduce Microsoft’s Steady State (it’s actually been around for awhile, getting renamed every…

  • Mac Security

    Botnets and Fast Flux

    Ever get the call from an ISP that a host on a network you own (no, not p0wn) is hosting a phishing scam site and you need to fix it? Happens all the time for one reason or another. But if the sites that contain malware and phishing information are quickly repaired (and at this point they are due to some really nice advanced systems for handling this kind of thing that are being employed by universities, ISPs and corporations), why bother? Well, this is where Fast flux comes into play. Fast flux is a DNS technique used to hide compromised hosts behind a rapidly changing (thus the word fast…