• WordPress

    Year of Postings (plus some)

    So on 9/17/07 I posted that I’d be updating this site daily for the next year, after updating it daily for about a month at that point.  So far I’ve been pretty on-track.  There might be a missed day here and there but there are not a lot of postings a year and a couple of weeks later.  Fun stuff.

  • Articles and Books

    Neal Stephenson's Anathem

    If you’re a geek, especially one interested in what I’ve started to call scientific fiction, then this is for you.  Neal Stephenson’s last work, a trilogy about slavery and the effect of the scientific community on it during the Age of Reason was astounding.  In the Cryptonomicon he really managed to bring about the concepts of cryptography from the point of view of someone surviving World War II.  In the U, he drilled down on the whole idea of a massive University and how ludicrous they had become (reminding me of my dorms at UGA along the way).  But in this title he goes back even further and looks more…

  • Articles and Books

    Microsoft Offers Rewards to LiveSearch Users

    It’s not desperation really, more like what AmEx does to entice me to keep using that damn card for everything…  Anyway, Microsoft now offers points of a sort.  Here’s where I heard about it: http://www.informationweek.com/news/internet/search/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=XPUR4JVLKQ4UAQSNDLPSKH0CJUNN2JVN?articleID=210605109

  • Articles and Books,  Mac Security

    CyberCrime vs. Drug Cartels

    Funny article (not really in a ha-ha way, moe like an ick way) about how online crime is supposedly now a bigger business than an international drug cartel.   http://connections.thepodcastnetwork.com/2008/10/04/connections-041-blocking-the-hacker-attacks/ If you want to fix the credit mess, start taxing hackers at hotel tax rates (15%) and have all that money be used to buy shares of the embattled credit giants.  This would infuse those companies with the cash they claim they don’t have to lend to ma’ and pa’ middle American while at the same time not causing each man, woman and child in this country to borrow $2,500 against our children’s deficit.  Now, I’m not saying that Cyber Crime “families” wouldn’t just steal…

  • Active Directory

    Extend the AD Schema in 2008 Server using ldifde

    To import directory objects, at the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:  ldifde–i-ffilename-sservername:port-m-ausername domain password To export directory objects, at the command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER:  ldifde-e-ffilename-sservername:port-m-ausername domain password

  • certifications

    The Economy and IT

    Companies simply cannot live without IT.  If a company is going to cut existing staff then they aren’t going to cut the staff that’s actually keeping their systems up and running, nor are they going to cut employees that are creating value.  But if these be uncertain times then consider beefing up your skills and certifications in a manner that aligns with your job (or a job you want if you’re not happy where you are).  Essentially, if you are internal IT this will help to make you outsource-proof and if you’re a consultant it will help you to broaden your scope.  More than half of the CIO’s are cutting…

  • Business

    High-Tech Labor Laws of California Swinging Back

    From Slashdot: By John Howard (published Thursday, September 25, 2008) California’s high-tech industry has won a significant political and financial victory in the Capitol: An obscure bill was rewritten late in the Legislature’s hectic session at the industry’s behest to eliminate the hourly overtime-pay rule for computer professionals. Organized labor says the action, which targets some 250,000 private workers, is unprecedented in a California state budget and the industry believes it is the toughest such exemption in the nation. http://www.capitolweekly.net/?_adctlid=v|jq2q43wvsl855o|xfl3agauw8dn2r

  • public speaking

    MacWorld 2009

    MacWorld tickets are on sale.  While I do not know who all the speakers will be I do know that 318 will be there and Beau and I will be giving a presentation on sandbox.  🙂