• Kerio,  Mac OS X,  Microsoft Exchange Server

    Entourage Migrations

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal For years, we’ve had issues with the fact that there is no good built-in auto-archive feature for Entourage. This has led to many an Exchange environment getting out of control with a lot of Mac clients. To get around this issue, check out Entourage Email Archive X 3.4.0. It’s a utility for archiving emails and/or attachments for Entourage in Mac OS X. EEAX 3.x works on OS X 10.4.x (Tiger) with Microsoft Entourage 2004. You can Download latest EEAX 3.4.0 from: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/14011 If you need an evaluation copy drop an email to: info@softhing.com.

  • Mac OS X Server

    Mac OS X Server: AppleFileService Crashing When Searching

    So you just installed that new Xserve and you are starting to notice that the AppleFileServer is spiking when your users are searching the AFP volume for some media.  To fix, first, backup /etc/rc.server (just in case).   Then change this line: sysctl -w kern.maxnbuf=90000 Replace the 9 with a 2 and then save the file and then reboot. 

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment

    Managing SMB Using Defaults

    One of the biggest issues that a number of large environments have is controlling what client systems are able to see on a network.  In these types of environments, limiting the number of Windows file servers that show up can be a show stopper.  So Apple has given us an option in the com.apple.smb.server.plist file for RegisterWINSName.  By default it isn’t there, but when you use the following command and then restart smb it will suppress your system from the list of servers: defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.smb.server RegisterWINSName -bool false You can also use com.apple.smb.server to change the NetBIOS name and server description.

  • Network Infrastructure

    The Changing Mac Switching Infrastructure

    No one ever got fired for buying Cisco.  But, I recently saw a shop where they went from Cisco to Enterasys (thanks for showing off your backbone Todd).  I must say that I really liked the Enterasys switches. I looked them up and they are about 1/2 the cost of Cisco.  They have great tech support and are very easy to configure, even though it’s a command line interface.  The only complaint I have about them is the web interface is good for reviewing your setup but inadequate  for configuration – but is good for looking at the switch configs. Maybe in time this will mature…  I don’t know if they can go to the 10,000+ environments…

  • On the Road

    On The Road: Ways to Avoid Flight Delays

    Let’s face it: all the airlines suck now.  When my grandfather was with the airlines things were different (I think).  But, the worst thing that an airline can do isn’t to carve out an inch of your space every year (some day we’ll be rack mounted in the plane – are you a 1U, 2U or 4U box?).  The worst thing they do is being late.  Which in turn makes us late for jobs, or more painful to the ‘ole heartstrings late to get home to the family.  Not that airline execs have heartstrings – look at how they treat their own unionized employees…  Anyway, some of my own tips…

  • On the Road

    On the Road: Los Angeles

    Having lived in LA for a decade every time I go back I try and hit at least one of a few different restaurants.  The first is BOA, for the best steaks in LA.  The second is the Pig on La Brea.  The third is right up the road, a little hot dog stand called Pink’s (yes, I said hot dog).  And finally, of course, In-n-Out, where you have to order up a “four by four animal style” at least once in your life…

  • Kerio

    Kerio: Spam Options

    Kerio has a variety of features available for mitigating the evil spam gremlins.  These include: 1 – SpamAssassin – Open Source spam filter 2 – Directory Harvest Attack Protection – track email coming in for non-existent users and limit the number allowed per host 3 – Policies – tag emails with X-Spam headers, then use local policies, etc.  Also write custom filters that identify certain keywords as spam 4 – RBL – A standard with mail servers, Realtime BlackList servers mark common spammers or hosts that do not meet a minimum criteria for being acceptable mail servers 5 – SPF – Rely on srv reccords from domains to specify what IPs…

  • Windows Server,  Windows XP

    Windows: Kill a PID

    You can use the pslist command to view a detailed listing of all ProcessIDs in Windows.  You can then use pskill to kill a PID, or pssuspend to suspend it or psservice to list PIDs that are services.  No killall tho, like in Mac OS X…