• Windows Server

    iSCSI Target Creation

    The iSCSI Initiator that we use for connecting Windows to iSCSI targets has a friend.  It’s called Microsoft Windows Storage Server, which you can use to turn a DAS RAID in a Windows box into a LUN for iSCSI.  Good stuff.  Check out the data sheet here: download.microsoft.com/download/d/8/4/ d84b1c50-e0bb-45ba-b2f4-356f4f456a88/WUDSS%20Datasheet_Final.doc Now that’s not to say they’re the only game in town.  iSCSI Target is also a feature of OpenSolaris: http://opensolaris.org/os/project/iscsitgt/ And there’s a nifty little Open Source Project called iSCSI Enterprise Target: http://sourceforge.net/projects/iscsitarget/?abmode=1