• Xsan

    Locate the UUID of a SAN

    You can use the UUID of a SAN MDC in Xsan to perform a lot of tasks. To locate the UUID of a SAN MDC in Xsan: sudo serveradmin settings san:UUID The output is just the GUID of the san client UUID. Now you know.

  • iPhone,  Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment

    Podcasting in Lion Server

    There have been a number of articles on using the Podcast Producer service in Snow Leopard and previous operating systems. The Podcast Producer service itself in Lion remains unchanged. It still needs shared storage (e.g. NFS, Xsan, etc), Xgrid, Kerberos (for Xgrid) and while seeming to sit atop a house of cards, is one of the coolest and most complex services in Mac OS X Server. But there have been a lot of environments where Podcast Producer seemed out of reach where it shouldn’t have. If you have a single server, why do you need shared storage, a truly scalable grid computing cluster and all that complex workflow goodness at…

  • Mac OS X,  Mass Deployment

    LANDesk Client In Image

    LANDesk stores its data files in the /Library/Application Support/LANDesk/data directory. However, there is a uuid file for LANDesk that, if you put the LANDesk client in your image will need to be deleted. The uuid is in the /Library/Preferences/com.landesk.uuid.plist property list. If you rm this file as a postflight imaging task then your client can be deployed on your image: rm /Library/Preferences/com.landesk.uuid.plist