• Mac OS X,  Mac Security

    Cookie Management With Curl

    To tell curl that you can read and write cookies, first we’ll start the engine using an empty cookie jar, using the -b option, which always reads cookies into memory: curl -b newcookiejar https://krypted.com If your site can set cookies you can then read them with the -L option curl -L -b newcookiejar https://krypted.com The response should be similar to the following: Reading cookies from file Curl also supports reading cookies in from the Netscape cookie format, used by defining a cookies.txt file instead: curl -L -b cookies.txt https://krypted.com If the server updates the cookies in a response, curl would update that cookie in memory but unless you write something…

  • Mac OS X

    Migrating Mail to Google Apps from cPanel

    If you have a web host that supports cPanel (a number do) then moving to Google Apps for Mail couldn’t be simpler. Just log in to your cPanel account and click on the Mail icon in the top left corner. From here, click on the last item in the list, Modify Mail Exchanger (MX Entry). Then click on change an MX Entry. In the Change MX for… drop down list, select the appropriate domain (if you only have one then there should be only the one to change and then enter aspmx.l.google.com in the to: field, clicking Change when you are done. According to the TTL value you will then…