• Mac OS X

    Quick and Dirty Spinnaker on macOS

    Spinnaker seems kinda’ complicated at first, but it’s not. To get it up and running, first install cask: brew tap caskroom/cask brew install brew-cask Then redis and java: brew install redis brew cask install java Download spinnaker from https://github.com/spinnaker/spinnaker.git (I dropped mine into ~/usr/local/build/spinnaker). From your spinnaker folder make a build directory and then run the script to update source: mkdir ~/usr/local/spinnaker/build cd ~/usr/local/spinnaker/build ~/usr/local/spinnaker/dev/refresh_source.sh –pull_origin –use_ssh –github_user default From your build directory, fire it up: ~/usr/local/spinnaker/dev/run_dev.sh Now run hal to see a list of versions: hal version list Then enable the version you want (e.g. 1.0.0): hal config version edit –version 1.0.0 Then apply the version: hal deploy apply…