• Microsoft Exchange Server,  Network Infrastructure,  Windows Server

    Enable Modern Authentication for Office 365

    I covered managing devices based on policy in http://https://krypted.com//microsoft-exchange-server/manage-activesync-policies-on-ios-using-powershell-in-exchange-2016/. One of those policies is “modern authentication”, Azure Passthrough Authentication, or OAuth if you will. To enable it, log into Exchange Online via PowerShell and run the set-OrganizationConfig to set -OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled to True: Set-OrganizationConfig -OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled $true If you’re using Skype, do an override: Set-CsOAuthConfiguration -ClientAdalAuthOverride Allowed Now check that OAuth was enabled properly: Get-CsOAuthConfiguration And viola, you’ve caught up to where WordPress was at with OAuth 8 years ago! Next, check the global ADFS authentication rule: Get-AdfsAdditionalAuthenticationRule And you can use Set-AdfsAdditionalAuthenticationRule. Now, you should be able to check the ADFS rules required for a given MFA requirement: Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust –Name "Krypted" And…