• Mac OS X,  personal

    Keep iTunes in Sync

    I’d still like to have a better way to have a centralized iTunes media server.  But in lieu of that I’m OK keeping multiple libraries in sync.  One way to do this is to use a tool such as rsync to actually synchronize the files.  But this isn’t going to keep the iTunes library updated on what files were added.  For that consider TuneRanger. TuneRanger will keep iTunes for Windows or Mac in sync. More importantly it will update your playlists to accommodate for the new location of your media. TuneRanger also makes a nice addition to the switchers toolbelt.  You can use it to synchronize media from a Windows…

  • Mac OS X Server

    Mac OS X Server: Sharing Files from the Command Line

    Mac OS X Server provides the sharing command.  You can create, delete and augment information for share points using sharing. To create a share point for AFP you can use the following command: sharing -a <PATH> -A <NAME> So let’s say you have a directory at /Shares/Public and you want to create a share point called PUBLIC.  You can use the following command: sharing -a /Shares/Public -A PUBLIC Now, the -a here will create the share for AFP but what if you want to create a share for other protocols?  Well, -F does FTP and -S does SMB.  Once created you can disable the share using the following command: sharing -r PUBLIC…