Free Tool For Mass Updates

    There’s a new JSS companion tool, called JSS MUT, which allows you to perform mass actions based on a CSV. Basically, set fields and enforce mobile device names (becoming a very common need out there). If you’re a JSS admin, it’s a nice tool, and a big should out to Michael Levenick for making it free! Official website is at http://jssmut.weebly.com. Hat tip to Trey Howell for clueing us in! 🙂

  • Mac OS X,  Mass Deployment

    Grabbing Serials and MAC Addresses

    During various automations in Mac OS X it helps to grab some key unique identifiers for machines. Two very common identifiers are the serial number of a computer and the MAC Address. To grab a systems serial number I usually use ioreg to run the following, which simply outputs a systems serial number: ioreg -l | grep IOPlatformSerialNumber | cut -c 37-46 Because a system can have multiple MAC addresses (one per unique adapter), I will also use ioreg to grab those: ioreg -l | grep IOMACAddress Or to just see an output of the first in the list (en0): ioreg -l -w 0 | grep IOMACAddress | cut -c…