• Mac OS X Server

    Promote An OS X Server To A Replica

    Previously, we looked at setting up an Open Directory Master in OS X Server. An Open Directory Replica keeps a copy of the Open Directory database available for users even when the Master goes offline. But it can also take a part of the load from the Open Directory Master and when using the new Locales feature, balance network traffic. To get started with an Open Directory Replica, first enable SSH, now disabled by default. If SSH is not enabled, you will not be able to create an Open Directory Replica. SSH is enabled on a server by opening the Server app, clicking on the name of the server and…

  • Mac OS X Server,  Unix

    Replica Trees & Tuning Open Directory

    You have a fairly large Open Directory environment and you go to add the 33rd replica but you get a funny error that dserr doesn’t have listed. The reason is likely that a single Open Directory Master can only have 32 replicas. However, you can have 32 replicas on each replica (thus having a replica tree), ergo allowing for a total of 1,024 replicas and a master. So rather than bind that 33rd replica to a master, move to a replica tree model, trying to offload replicas in as geographically friendly a fashion as possible (thus reducing slap traffic on your WAN links) by repositioning replicas per site. Similar to…

  • Mac OS X Server

    Removing Old Replicas from OD

    There are a number of instances when you cannot remove a replica from Open Directory using Server Admin. This can be due to a variety of reasons, but if you cannot remove the replica from Server Admin then try doing so using slapconfig. For example, if the replica has an IP of then the command would be: slapconfig -removereplica