• Active Directory,  Microsoft Exchange Server,  Windows Server

    Grep, Search, Loops and Basename for Powershell Hotness

    Simple request: Search for all files in a directory and the child directories for a specific pattern and then return the filename without the path to the file. There are a few commandlets we end up needing to use: Get-ChildItem: Creates a recursive array of filenames and pipes that output into the For loop. ForEach-Object: Starts a for loop, looping through the output of the command that has been piped into the loop (much easier than an IFS array IMHO). If: This starts the if pattern that ends after the select-string in the below command, but only dumps the $_.PSPath if the pattern is true. Select-String: Searches for the content…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Unix

    Using the cut Command

    A number of commands available for finding positions that you want in a line and extracting only a certain amount of text can be pretty cumbersome in terms of learning curve. This isn’t to say that once you get the hang of them that they’re terribly complicated but it can take a little while to get the hang of them. And when you need something fast, you might want an easy command for extracting text from lines. In these cases, consider cut. The cut command doesn’t do regular expressions (I guess you could argue that its ability to use a delimiter can be used as a regular expression) and so…