• Mac Security

    Jamf Extension Attribute To Find ***Directories*** Named .DS_Store

    I’ve written about .DS_Store files before (e.g. https://krypted.com/mac-os-x/no-more-ds_store-files/ to remove the files on file shares ). The .DS_Store is a ***file*** that has some custom attributes of the folder it’s in, such as a background image for the folder (e.g. in disk images with installers that get expanded and then show you a little arrow to copy the folder to the hard drive /Applications is a common use), spotlight comments, and then the .DS_Store also contains icon positions. This all goes back to Finder apps interpreting objects in a foreign file system kind of world. Turns out that that a number of vendors have built exceptions for .DS_Store files because…

  • Mac Security

    Find all files with a single character name

    Other than typesetting and indexing tools, most apps shouldn’t be creating files that have single character file names. To find all the files with single character file names on a Mac, you could use find and then awk for the length of the file name: find / -type f -print| awk -F/ ' length($NF)  == 1 ' You could also use mdfind or another tool to list all files and pipe that to the same awk -F/ ‘ length($NF)  == 1 ‘ statement.

  • Xsan

    Enabling Spotlight for Xsan

    Spotlight has had a pretty checkered past with Xsan. But things are looking a little better and if you want to try enabling it again, once you’ve fully updated to 2.2 you can do so without too much fanfare. Simply locate the config file for the name of the volume you wish to enable spotlight for, which is in /Library/FileSystems/Xsan/config and is named with the name of the volume followed by a .cfg file extension. Once located, open the file in your favorite text editor (ie – pico, vi, etc). Then, locate the entry for EnableSpotlight, which should be set to No. Change the No to a Yes. You can…