• Mac OS X

    Selecting Text in QuickLook

    You’re searching for some content on your desktop and opening pages file after pages file and pdf after pdf in QuickLook. Finally you find that one juicy morsel. It’s a short script you just need to copy into your clipboard. But you can’t. The gods of technology are aligned against you, to make you hit command-O and then after waiting for the entire 3 seconds it takes Preview to open, you have to search within the document for that information. Holy crap, you just lost at least 5 to 8 seconds of your day. I guess now you have to cancel vacation or let your spouse know you’ll be home…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security

    Mac OS X: Showing Invisible Files

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal Have you ever been looking for some files an you just can’t find them. Well, maybe they’re hidden. If you need to see hidden files, use the following command:defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true killall Finder The problem with seeing hidden files is that you see a lot of stuff that you really probably don’t want to see. So to get back to a state where you don’t have to see all of the invisible files, use the following command: defaults delete com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles killall Finder