• Mac OS X Server,  Ubuntu,  Unix

    QuickTime Streaming Server on Ubuntu 10

    OK, so you don’t necessarily call rtsp on Ubuntu QuickTime Streaming Server. Instead, you call it Darwin Streaming Server (DSS). But the end result is basically what you have exposed in Mac OS X Server, but running on Linux. You don’t have the same functionality in Server Admin, but it does work. And the key to what it does is use the rtsp protocol to stream supported files from the server to clients. It is a little tougher than just clicking on the start button, but too much tougher provided you follow these directions (thanks to the good folks of the DSS list that I’ve been a member of for…

  • Active Directory,  Ubuntu

    Installing phpLDAPadmin

    phpLDAPadmin is a tool that can be used to walk LDAP trees and view attributes of objects located within them using a web browser. This isn’t to say that it’s the prettiest tool out there but it works really well and is portable between various flavors of LDAP. Before you can use phpLDAPadmin you will need Apache. In Ubuntu, Apache can be installed using apt-get: apt-get install apache2 Once you have Apache installed, downloading phpLDAPadmin and installing it in Ubuntu Server 10 couldn’t be easier, just apt-get the package: apt-get install phpldapadmin Now you have the pieces, let’s copy phpLDAPadmin into your web root directory: cp -R /usr/share/phpldapadmin /var/www/myphpldapadmin In that…

  • Mac OS X Server

    Howto Install awstats on OS X

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal Here are the steps for setting up AWStats on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger Server. 1. Download the last stable release of AWStats from www.awstats.org to your desktop. 2. In the Finder, navigate to /var/log/httpd 3. Backup and remove any old web logs. 4. Open Server Admin. 5. Select Web:Settings:Modules 6. Make sure the “perl_module” and “php4_module” are enabled. 7. Click Save. 8. Select the “Sites” pane. 9. Double-click the entry for the site you are going to enable stats on. 10. Select the “Options” pane. 11. Enable CGI Execution and Server Side Includes (SSI). 12. Click Save. 13. Select the “Realms” pane. 14.…

  • Mac OS X Server

    Installing MediaWiki on Mac OS X

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal 1. Create a database in MySQL called wikidb. 2. Create a new user called wikiserver that has full priviledges to this database (the user does not need to be called wikiserver, but that is the username we will be using for this walkthrough). 3. Download the latest stable release of MediaWiki from http://mediawiki.sourceforge.net. 4. Extract the tar files into a new folder (for this example we are going to call it wiki to keep things easy). This can be done using the tar -xvzf mediawiki.tar.gz (or subsititute your file name for mediawiki.tar.gz 5. Make the configuration files writeable using the command chmod a+w config…