• iPhone,  JAMF,  Mac OS X

    Approve Or Deny GSuite Access For Devices

    The Google Directory integration with GSuite allows you to manage which devices have access to GSuite. This allows you to control access based on a variety of factors. Below, you’ll find a Google Cloud Function that is meant to respond to a webhook. This function takes an action to set a device into ‘approve’ or ‘deny’ as a state within Google Directory. Before using the function you’ll want to set CustomerID, ResourceID, and EMAIL_ACCOUNT for your GSuite account before using. To setup a GSuite Account for Google Functions and grab the ResourceID (or JWT), see: https://krypted.com//cloud/setup-google-cloud-functions/ To obtain the customer ID: https://krypted.com//uncategorized/get-your-customerid-from-g-suite/ Once you have all that, you can upload…