Use SQL Views to Grant Access and Constrain Output

    You can grant access to certain columns to view in SQL without providing access to specific users to see the whole database. This is pretty useful when delegating reporting to users, without giving them access to all of the data in your database. For example, a user might be able to see a column with an address, but not a column with a credit card number, increasing database security while allowing you to delegate certain tasks when appropriate. In this article, we’ll use the same “Customers” table from our first articles, signupdate: ID Site Contact Address City Zip Country SignupDate 1 Krypted Charles Edge my house Minneapolis 55418 US 2005-01-01 2…

  • SQL

    Compound Searches With SQL Using AND && OR

    Previously, we looked at the SQL SELECT and WHERE options to obtain output and then constrain what would be displayed in a query. The AND & OR operators are used to add additional logic so you can filter records based on more than one condition. Which is to say to search based on the contents of multiple columns within a single table. AND is used to show information if two different conditions are true and OR is used to show information if either condition is true. Below is a selection from the “Customers” table that showed in our first article an we will use it to run some SQL sorting…

  • SQL

    Constrain SQL Queries Using WHERE and LIKE

    Previously, we covered the SQL SELECT Statement, to pull data from a SQL database. Here, we’ll constrain our search for items that match a given string, or pattern using the WHERE clause to filter search results, rather than getting all of the records and parsing the output. The WHERE clause extracts records that fulfill a specified string and follows the general syntax as follows, replacing the word column with the name of the column in one of your tables and the word table with the name of a table that you’d like to search within: SQL WHERE Syntax SELECT column,column FROM table WHERE column operator value; Below is a selection…

  • Microsoft Exchange Server

    Bulk Exporting of PST Files Using Exmerge

    To automate the process of exporting Exchange mailboxes to .pst files, we’re going to use the exmerge tool using a Windows batch file. We can use a MAILBOXES.TXT file to choose which mailboxes we’ll be using and possibly a SUBJECTS.TXT or ATTACHMENTS.TXT to constrain our searches. To run the exmerge, run as a typical GUI based merge but save the search. Once saved, you’ll be able to select a path, which we’ll call c:\tmpexmerge. In here, you should see an EXMERGE.INI as well as a MAILBOXES.TXT (and possibly a few other files. In the MAILBOXES.TXT file you’ll see the CN information for the mailboxes selected in the previous: /O=FIRST ORGANIZATION/OU=FIRST…