• Mac OS X Server

    Howto Install awstats on OS X

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal Here are the steps for setting up AWStats on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger Server. 1. Download the last stable release of AWStats from www.awstats.org to your desktop. 2. In the Finder, navigate to /var/log/httpd 3. Backup and remove any old web logs. 4. Open Server Admin. 5. Select Web:Settings:Modules 6. Make sure the “perl_module” and “php4_module” are enabled. 7. Click Save. 8. Select the “Sites” pane. 9. Double-click the entry for the site you are going to enable stats on. 10. Select the “Options” pane. 11. Enable CGI Execution and Server Side Includes (SSI). 12. Click Save. 13. Select the “Realms” pane. 14.…