Articles and Books,  personal,  sites

2,000 Posts And Going Strong

In December of 2004, in response to a request from my publisher at the time, I started this site in its current form. I kept the domain from my personal tinkeration site, which was a glorified file service, some static html pages for me to remember things (I can be a bit forgetful at times) and some .htaccess files to keep parts of the site private. I’d been using the domain for awhile, but started tinkering around with a few blogging engines and eventually settled on the one I’m using now.

The total number of posts now sits a little over 2020, with a few being drafts on upcoming products currently in beta and a few written by other authors. This puts me at a little over 2,000 posts that I’ve written personally. Some have been very short and just little tidbits for me to remember. But over the years there have been many that were around the depth and size of chapters of books as well (in fact some have been chapters I cut out of books and others have ended up becoming rough parts of chapters for books later). I started out writing about whatever it was I was thinking about. During the fall that meant a little football here and there (the University of Georgia Bulldogs seem to always disappoint me). During the spring it occasionally turned to surfing or cooking. And sometimes I even meandered into business stuff. But overall, it’s mostly been technical writing.

There have been sprinklings of humor (which I should clearly stay away from), pictures (again, something I should stay away from), I even dabbled with trying to branch into making it a bit more of a social type of thing. It almost feels like 2,000 posts flew by. During that span I have remained at 318 (where i’ve written around 500 posts on the company site), cobbled together 8 or so books for a few different publishers, written articles for magazines and other sites and authored tons of technical documentation for various vendors in the IT industry (most of which you wouldn’t know I wrote unless a screenshot accidentally has a SSID or something in the sidebar, etc). There has been a lot of writing.

The site is steady at around 150,000 uniques per month, with a solid distribution of visitors from all over the world, comments from all over the world and the site is starting to get article submissions from around the United States. Hopefully the submissions will continue to increase, as nothing makes me happier than editing the content of others and seeing more than what I work with on a daily basis, which invariably ends up teaching me more – and connecting others to the community.

A lot of people ask me how I can write so much. The answer is pretty simple: I am surrounded by amazing people who are life long learners, whether it’s in the communities (or circles) I am in, at home or in a very concentrated sense, at the office. Much of writing is figuring out how to do things. Occasionally you find a better way later or someone comments on an article and tells me a better/more efficient way to do something. In fact, hopefully you are always looking for a way to make things better. Writing is no different than making a script, the more you do it the more efficient you get at it. And when friends (or strangers) comment on the site for corrections, hopefully the more information becomes available to the community. With repetition, the pace of writing quickens. But the number one reason I write so much is because it obviously makes me happy.

As I’ve mentioned, I’d like to make into more of an outlet for others as well. Given the amount of traffic that the site gets, I feel it’s not a bad outlet for others. I’d also like to re-skin the site and move it to a better host at some point in the future. I can say that I’d like to make the site more charitable (which I honestly would like), to make it more “social”/community (I have mixed feelings on that, but whatever) or to make it more useful for non-technical tasks. But over the years, I’ve learned that the site is what it is: technical content. No one wants to read me yammer on and on about football, my various travels, the great food I eat (mostly because I tend to eat at Subway more than I should, which means notsomuch on the great food thing) or even news about this site (although you’re reading some now, so maybe…). People want to see the titles in a news feed or a Google search and decide if they want to read an article. That’s it. So that’s what I’ll keep doing, perhaps making it more of a ‘we’ than an ‘I’ moving forward!

So 2,000 posts. Hopefully the next 2,000 will be better. Thanks for reading and visiting and keeping me goin’!