Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Network Infrastructure

Backup Filewave Databases

You can quickly and easily back up your Filewave databases using the fwcontrol command to stop a Filewave server (thus preserving the integrity of the data you are backing up) and then backing up the database using the /fwxserver directory.

To get started, we’ll first down the server. This is done using the fwcontrol command along with the server option and the stop verb, as follows:

sudo fwcontrol server stop

Now that there won’t be data trying to commit into the database, let’s make a backup of the database directory using the cp command:

cp -rp /fwxserver/DB ~/Desktop/Databasebak

To start the database, use the decontrol command with the server option and the start verb, as follows:

fwcontrol server start

Note, if you will be moving to a new Filewave server, you would want to lock clients during this transition, so before restarting your server, use the sqlite3 command to set the status to 1 in the user table:

sqlite3 /fwxserver/DB/server.sqlite 'update user set status = 1;'