Install MySQL On OS X

    OS X might be the easiest platform to install MySQL on. To do so, simply download the MySQL installation package from the MySQL Download site. I like to use the third link (the DMG). Once downloaded, run the package. The package will ask you a few questions and you can easily just select the default choice during the installation process. Once installed, you’ll be prompted that a temporary password has been used for your MySQL instance. The password will get you in the first time, so you can change it. Once you have documented the password, open System Preferences and click on MySQL in the bottom row of System Preference Panes. Click Start…

  • SQL

    A Couple Of Ways To Backup SQL Data

    Create a backup copy of a table called Customers into a table called Customers2 on a running database called Backup: SELECT * INTO Customers2 IN 'Backup.mdb' FROM Customers; You can also specify multiple tables to pull data from when bringing that data into a new table, effectively merging data into a backup database: SELECT Customers.Site, IPs.IP INTO CustomerIPsbackup FROM Customers LEFT JOIN IPs ON Customers.Site=IPs.IP; Since this is more like replication than backup, MySQL also has a mysqldump command, used to dump a sql database to a file or screen, or whatever. Here, we’ll export all of our databases in a running MySQL instance into a file called dumpfile.sql: mysqldump…

  • SQL

    Use SELECT INTO To Copy Data Between Tables

    You can use the SELECT INTO statement finds data and then copies that data between tables or databases. To do so, use the following syntax: SELECT * INTO newtablename FROM tablename; So to copy that Customers table to a new table called Customers2: SELECT * INTO Customers2 FROM Customers; Or to copy only certain columns into Customers2, we’d use the following: SELECT ID,Site INTO Customers2 FROM Customers;

  • SQL

    Create A SQL Database

    So you’re ready to write some software? Or test some cool stuff. Or build something awesome. You can use the CREATE DATABASE statement to get started, by creating a database. To do so is pretty easy, simply run that statement followed by a name for the database (called Customers): CREATE DATABASE Customers; Once you’ve created a database, it’s time to create tables, which can be done using the CREATE TABLE statement. The Syntax of that statement looks something like this, defining a set of columns, their data type and the size of the column (in the form of a maximum length), all wrapped in parenthesis with each column separated by…

  • SQL

    Add Columns, Delete Columns, and Edit Columns, and Find Love Using SQL ALTER Statements

    Previously, we covered creating tables in SQL. To create a column in a table, use the ALTER TABLE statement, along with the ADD and then define a column name followed by the data type: ALTER TABLE nameoftable ADD nameofcolumn datatype To delete a column in a table:: ALTER TABLE nameoftable DROP COLUMN nameofcolumn To change the type of data stored in a column, use MODIFY: ALTER TABLE nameoftable MODIFY COLUMN nameofcolumn datatype In this article, we’ll use the same “Customers” table from our first articles to add and edit columns: ID Site Contact Address City Zip Country 1 Krypted Charles Edge my house Minneapolis 55418 US 2 Apple Tim Cook…

  • SQL

    Remove Items From SQL Databases Using the DROP Statement

    In SQL, the DROP Statement is used to remove databases, tables, and indexes. The syntax to remove a table is: DROP TABLE nameoftable Wow. That’s really, really easy. I mean, you can delete craploads of data that way! It can’t be! You can also delete a database. To do so, use the DROP statement again, but this time, instead of dropping a table, let’s remove the database: DROP DATABASE nameofdatabase Aaaaaand, you can drop an index, which on MySQL is done using an ALTER statement, followed by TABLE, then the table name that has an index needing to drop: ALTER TABLE nameoftable DROP INDEX nameofindex You can also delete the…

  • SQL

    Query SQL Data In A Range Using The BETWEEN Operator

    Sometimes you’re looking for IDs, prices, zip codes and the like in a range. You can use the BETWEEN operator to select integers, text, or dates within a range of items. The syntax when using the BETWEEN operator would look similar to the following: SELECT column(s) FROM table WHERE column_name BETWEEN value AND value; In this article, we’ll use the same “Customers” table from our first articles: ID Site Contact Address City Zip Country 1 Krypted Charles Edge my house Minneapolis 55418 US 2 Apple Tim Cook spaceship Cupertino 95014 US 3 Microsoft Satya Nadella campus Redmond 98053 US 4 Facebook Mark Zuckerberg foodhall Menlo Park 94025 US 5 JAMF Dean Hager…

  • SQL

    Compound Searching Using The SQL WHERE Statement With The IN Operator

    One of the most important aspects of searching for objects is to be able to define multiple values in a search. We looked at searching using text globbing. But the IN operator goes a step and allows you to search The IN operator allows you to specify multiple values in a WHERE clause. SELECT column FROM table WHERE column IN (value,value,...); In this article, we’ll use the same “Customers” table from our first articles: ID Site Contact Address City Zip Country 1 Krypted Charles Edge my house Minneapolis 55418 US 2 Apple Tim Cook spaceship Cupertino 95014 US 3 Microsoft Satya Nadella campus Redmond 98053 US 4 Facebook Mark Zuckerberg…

  • SQL

    Moar About SQL Wildcards

    Previously we looked at using wildcards in conjunction with the SQL LIKE operator. Wildcards allow you to search for data in a defined table. Think of them as text globbing for SQL. The wildcards available include the following: [list]: Define a ranges of characters for pattern matching [!charlist]: Matches only a character NOT specified within the brackets %: Require a single character/object in a pattern _: Allow any single character in a pattern In this article, we’ll use the same “Customers” table from our first articles: ID Site Contact Address City Zip Country 1 Krypted Charles Edge my house Minneapolis 55418 US 2 Apple Tim Cook spaceship Cupertino 95014 US 3 Microsoft Satya Nadella…

  • Mac OS X,  SQL

    Remove Records From A MySQL Database

    Sometimes you have data in a MySQL database that you just don’t need. You can delete tables and records pretty easily. In fact, it’s almost too easy. And there’s no undo. So be careful. And backup. And then backup again. And then snapshot again, before tinkerating with anything in this article. In this article we’ll look at using the SQL DELETE statement to delete rows in a table. To do so, we’ll follow this basic syntax, which includes a WHERE clause to narrow the scope of the DELETE by specifying which records will be removed: DELETE FROM table WHERE column=value; In this article, we’ll use the same “Customers” table from…