• Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server


    Apparently the link here was bad so reposting with a good link and changing the text… From their site: Do you work in a windows dominant environment? Are your network drives packed with Windows Shortcuts that point to directories and documents? Are you tired of starting a windows machine just to change your windows domain password? Do you want to copy path names to an email? Here is the answer: WinShortcutter! WinShortcutter is a collection of small and useful utilities that are primarily focused at people working in a windows dominant office environment with a weak Mac support. http://www.lobotomo.com/products/WinShortcutter/index.html

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mass Deployment

    Positional Parameters and Packaging

    When packaging it is worth note that Apple reserves some positional paremeters for your scripts. These are defined at http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/SoftwareDistribution/Install_Operations/Install_Operations.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000145i-CH14-SW1 They include: $1: Path to the package $2: Path to the destination. $3: Installation volume. $4: Root directory

  • Mac OS X Server,  sites,  Social Networking

    Installing Joomla! on Mac OS X Server

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal 1. Enable MySQL. 2. Create a database in MySQL called joomladb. 3. Create a new user called jadmin that has full priviledges to this database (the user does not need to be called jadmin, but that is the username we will be using for this walkthrough). 4. Download the latest stable release of Joomla. 5. Extract the tar files into a new folder (for this example we are going to call it joomla to keep things easy). 6. Make the following folders writeable for Joomla administrator/backups/ administrator/components/ administrator/modules/ administrator/templates/ cache/ components/ images/ images/banners/ images/stories/ language/ mambots/ mambots/content/ mambots/editors/ mambots/editors-xtd/ mambots/search/ media/ modules/ templates/ 7.…

  • Articles and Books,  Mac OS X Server

    Review of my Mac OS X Server Little Black Book

    Title: Mac Tiger Server Little Black Book, Author: Charles Edge Publisher: Paraglyph Press, distributed by O’Reilly Published: 2006 Price: $34.99 URL: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1933097140/ Roger Smith, SVMUG, June 18, 2006. Audience: Users and system administrators trying to get the most out of Mac networking with Tiger Server. Content: The book is divided into 18 chapters, each focused on some aspect of server functionality. My opinion: Very much task-oriented, this would get a lot of use next to the console of a Tiger server. It is setting next to my server and will stay there. There is an embarrassment of riches these days when it comes to OS X Server books. Until 10.2…

  • Mac OS X Server

    Howto Install awstats on OS X

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal Here are the steps for setting up AWStats on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger Server. 1. Download the last stable release of AWStats from www.awstats.org to your desktop. 2. In the Finder, navigate to /var/log/httpd 3. Backup and remove any old web logs. 4. Open Server Admin. 5. Select Web:Settings:Modules 6. Make sure the “perl_module” and “php4_module” are enabled. 7. Click Save. 8. Select the “Sites” pane. 9. Double-click the entry for the site you are going to enable stats on. 10. Select the “Options” pane. 11. Enable CGI Execution and Server Side Includes (SSI). 12. Click Save. 13. Select the “Realms” pane. 14.…

  • Mac OS X Server,  Mass Deployment

    Headless Xserve Setup

    New Xserves are shipped with video cards. Much to the chagrin of many administrators and the humor of many older UNIX administrators, the Xserves were not being shipped with a graphics card for a couple of years and now many don’t come with dongles. In many cases you will come across one of these server that need to be set up. During this time this was an upgrade that many administrators did not know they would need to purchase if they did not wish to perform a headless installation. Luckily, Apple has provided us with numerous ways around this issue. One of the best features of Mac OS X Server…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Unix

    Backing Up and Restoring Subversion

    To make a Subversion backup (replacing /repositorypath with your actual repository path and /repositoryname.dump with the path and name of the file you would like to export your repository into): svnadmin dump /repositorypath > /repositoryname.dump To then restore the Subversion backup (replacing /repositorypath with your actual repository path and /repositoryname.dump with the path and name of the file you would like to export your repository into): svnadmin load /repositorypath < /repositoryname.dump

  • Mac OS X Server

    “PWD Failed to Start Listener” Errors in CommuniGate

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal PWD Service issues on Communigate Pro When running Communigate Pro on a Mac OS X Server, many users have had issues with an error that reads: PWD failed to start listener on []. Error Code=network address (port) is already in use The PWD service in Communigate Pro is used to interface with Stalker’s custom API for programming extensions to Communigate. This can often just be ignored unless you need to use the PWD service. This error is caused because another service is already running on port 106 for TCP traffic. Using netstat –a will tell you that it is the passwordservice that is running…