• Interviewing

    Interview Tips – June 2007

    Race, religion, sexual preference, family makeup and other items that are illegal to discriminate on just shouldn’t come up in an interview.  It is illegal for the interviewer to ask questions about it and (to me at least) it is unprofessional to bring up.  Can you do the job?  Are you the best candidate for the job?  Why?  That’s what matters.  The rest of it is irrelevant to the job and should not be discussed in any way, shape or form.

  • Interviewing

    Interview Tips: April 2007

    When you are interviewing don’t pull your computer out and take notes on it.  Sure it sounds silly, but it’s still something that you should probably not do.  Why?  I haven’t decided yet, but I’ll try and get back to you on that…

  • Interviewing

    Interview Tips: March 2007

    If you wear a tie to an interview, do not take it off during the interview.  If you wear a jacket to an interview you may take it off, but then, it might just not be prudent unless it is very much too hot for you in a room.  Disrobing is just not a very professional way to conduct oneself in an interview, even if the interviewer is wearing sandals and a t-shirt.

  • Interviewing

    Interview Tips: February 2007

    Certifications.  They’re great.  But regrettably “Paper MCSEs” and others with no skills have ruined the party in a way.  Be prepared for each paper certification that you have to back them up with real-world experience and justification to the paper.  Many interviewers will let you get by with the paper alone.  But not savvy IT pros, so be ready…

  • Football,  Interviewing

    Interview Tips: January 2007

    Have you read my blog?  Do you have a team you think is better than my Bulldogs?  Well, if you’re smart then you’re not likely to bring it up during an interview.  Don’t get me wrong, I might still hire you.  But then again, I might not.