• Apple Watch

    Set Up Your New Apple Watch

    You waited. And you tapped your fingers on the desk. And you sat and waited some more, for the UPS person. You stared at your mailbox. And then, after all of that, UPS showed up. And you signed. And then you had that box in your hands. The cardboard box, when opened, gave way to a sweet white box. You opened it by pulling the little tag off, and then you pulled the watch out of the box. You tried on the two bands. And you picked the one that fit you the best. So now what? Turn on the watch by hitting the button on the side and watch that beautiful…

  • Apple Watch,  Bushel

    18 Days and 18 Features of the Apple Watch

    I’ve had my Watch for eighteen days now. Everyday I learn something new, and everyday the Watch becomes more apart of my everyday life. It keeps me on time for my meetings, has me connect to my friends on a more personal level, and it made me realize I need to cut out the large amount of caffeine I rely on. We put together a list of 18 features we have found to be useful that maybe you haven’t seen before! To Read The Rest Of The 18 Days and 18 Features of the Watch Article, Click Here